Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog Entry #4.15 - Process (E)

What exact items have been added to your cereal box?
The exact items that has been added to my cereal box is the criss cross puzzle and the title of the puzzle too. I also have the background color of the cereal box.
What exact items still need to be added to your cereal box back next week?
The exact items that still needs to be added to my cereal box back are the extracted pictures and the front color.
Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your score?
I would give myself a 6 out of 6 because I completed my back cereal box with the two things that he needed which was the puzzle and the background color. I can try to add some changes such as the color front and try to extract image for my back cereal box.

Blog Entry #4.14 - Progress (D)