Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.7- Design Specification

1. what is begin made is an IB learner profile that have the meaning of the words and a picture about the words.
2.The poster is for the school and the students of TMA to see and its purpose is to tell everyone that TMA is an IB school that teaches students how to be an IB learner.
3. The poster is for the visitors such as parents and the students. The audience is the teacher and the lower grade students so they can know that this is an IB school and that we know what the IB learner profile is all about.
4. The size equipment is a 8 by 10 construction paper or just a camera and the computer so we can post it in our blog.
5. The design elements required is creativity and group work as well as all of the requirement needed for the poster.
6. The aesthetics is the assignment at hand. It should look like the poster in and the teacher specific instruction.
7. The materials and equipment is needed is a camera and a laptop/ computer.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.6 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to design and make a voting policy because sometime my groups will argue about how they want their poster to look like, and taking a vote will break up that argument so we could continue to work on the rest of the IB learner profile.Taking a vote would make us continue working on the other IB learner profiles and not waste time in one IB learner profile.
The design would basically help me and my group make correct decision of what were going to write, how were going to take pictures and not wasting time in one subject. I have been told that a majority vote will end with discussion of the type of thing we want to make or solve.
This method is rough but also easy and it would function for a group of people working on something.

Blog Entry # 1.5 - Areas of Interaction (A)

What are the Areas Of Interaction that have been highlighted by your teacher for this design task?

The areas of interaction that have been highlighted by my teacher was approcahing to learning and human ingenuity. Each of the areas of interaction are related to the project by learning what all of the IB learner profile is all about, and experiences it by publishing the poster, and connecting what we wrote about the picture to the meaning of one of the IB words.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Entry # 1.4 - Design Task (A)

Explain in your own words the design task that you have been ask to solve?

The design task that I have been ask to solve is how to make a poster with all of the IB learner profile, as well as how to work with a group. The task is also about how to construct a poster were everyone can pith in ideas and use them to take good picture that reflects the title of the poster. We should also think about how the poster we like including the font that we saw in and how we can use them for my poster.

Blog Entry # 1.3 Poster Analysis 3 (A)

1. The main image of the poster is caring and I don't like the picture.
2. The image use in the poster does not represent caring at all to me.
3. The color used for the background of the font is ugly because it ruined the image of the picture.
4. The words do mean what caring is all about and it is located in the bottom of the picture and above the picture.
5. The font to me is nice and it is the only thing I like about the picture because it clear white.

Blog Entry # 1.2 Poster Analysis 2 (A)

1. The main image use in this poster is how a person can be open minded by learning and understanding other people culture.
2. the image use in the poster effectively communicate what the poster is about by showing how much she love learning about other country.
3. The color is blue and the font is bold black and I think is a bad choice of color because it doesn't macth the picture.
4. The words are located in the left hand corner and the title above the picture.The words explain everything about being open minded.
5. My opinion about the font is bold which is good because I like people to see it plus its a normal font for everyone to read.

Blog Entry 1.1 poster analysis 1 (a)

1. The main image use in this poster is the achievement of excellence that is created by a person who constructed something new and didn't give up.
2. the image use in this poster does communicate the point of the poster because it explain hard work and dedication towards something you reach, build or construct.
3.The color is blue and a silver yellow and the front is big for everyone to see. I think it is a good color to use because blue represents reaching for the sky and the silver yellow represents reaching for the stars.
4. The words explain what the poster and the picture is about. The words are located in the bottom of the poster because it show how the words and the picture is connected.
5. The font is OK because it is written in a big font were everyone can see it and understand why the poster is called excellence.