Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Entry 1.1 poster analysis 1 (a)

1. The main image use in this poster is the achievement of excellence that is created by a person who constructed something new and didn't give up.
2. the image use in this poster does communicate the point of the poster because it explain hard work and dedication towards something you reach, build or construct.
3.The color is blue and a silver yellow and the front is big for everyone to see. I think it is a good color to use because blue represents reaching for the sky and the silver yellow represents reaching for the stars.
4. The words explain what the poster and the picture is about. The words are located in the bottom of the poster because it show how the words and the picture is connected.
5. The font is OK because it is written in a big font were everyone can see it and understand why the poster is called excellence.

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