Friday, December 17, 2010

Blog Entry#2.11-Process Journal 2 (E)

What steps have you completed thus far?

The step that I completed was all of my blog entry and brainstorming how my project is going to look. I also found some pictures,graphics and cartoons that I might use in my project.

In what ways could your work be improved?

One way my work can be improve is by finding more cartoon as well as trying to come up with better saying inside of my card because to me it doesn't relate to the consumer and its not very creative.

The grade I would give myself for criteria F is a 4 or 5 out of 6 because I did all of my blog but somewhat I didn't get what the blog was asking me to do and I try to be creative with my saying, my consumer and my pictures. I have a positive attitude in technology by not disturbing the class.

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