Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Entry#2.2-Product Analysis (A)

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?

The holiday/event that the card represent is Thanksgiving.

2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?

The type of image that is used in this photo is cartoon. This image have a connection to the holiday/event because it have a turkey and two people who are sailing acroos sea. It looks like two people are join together to eat and celebrate with each other.

3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.

The cover of the card is not attention-grabbing because it looks ugly to me and wouldn't send this card to someone I care about. This card does not have a good text because it doesn't look nice with the image. The color is too plain it should be more creative and have more bright color.

4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?

The text that is written in the front of the card "Thanksgiving is here again..." and it is located on the top .

5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?

"Wish you were, too! Hope you have a Happy Day" is written inside of the card. It is located in the front of the card so when you open it you can see it.

6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.

The text inside the card connects with the images on the front because the person that their sending this card to is not with them right now and it basically means that he or she misses that person who they care so much about.

7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)

The types of information that appears on the back of the card is the bar code, and the company that made the card as well as were it was made.

8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

This card is targeted a person who can't be with their family members such as childern who miss their relatives. The text led me to this conculsion because it said "wish you were too!"

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