Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog Entry # 2.22 - Human Ingenuity (E)

The kind of people who might be offended by my greeting card is the people who are not the consumer or the people who have different perspective. The reason why they might be offended is by the people, saying or the picture.

Blog Entry#2.21-Greeting Card 3 Reject (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer being targeted by this greeting card is teen.
2. Why is this design less appealing to the consumer than the other design?
This design is less appealing to the consumer than the other design because the saying doesn't connect with the picture that much.
3. How could this design be improved to better appeal to this consumer?
The design can be better improved by making a good saying that is fun and connected to teens.

Blog Entry#2.20-Greeting Card 3 (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer that is being targeted by this greeting card is teens.
2. What elements of your card design are meant to appeal to this consumer? Explain
The element that is meant to appeal this consumer is the picture and the saying because the picture relate to the saying and to teens. It basically have a lot of teens looking at the firework and sitting in the park. The saying explain these activity
3. Compare this final design with the original sketch. What changes were made and why?
The changes made was the background color because I didn't want to leave it black because you can't see the text color that well which was yellow.

Blog Entry#2.19-Greeting Card 2 Reject (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer being targeted by this greeting card is people who play sport.
2. Why is this design less appealing to
the consumer than the other design?
This design is less appealing to the consumer than the other design because the saying is not interesting for kids and it doesn't connect with the picture that much.
3. How could this design be improved to better appeal to this consumer?
The design can be better improved by making a good saying that is fun and connected to the picture or change the picture to something that relate to sport.

Blog Entry#2.18-Greeting Card 2 (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer that is being targeted by this greeting card is people who play sport.
2. What elements of your card design are meant to appeal to this consumer? Explain
The element that is meant to appeal this consumer is the picture and the saying because the crown represent champion and the saying is basically saying that Queen Victoria and sport rock.
3. Compare this final design with the original sketch. What changes were made and why?
The changes made was the text color because I wanted the text color to be seen in the greeting card.

Blog Entry#2.17-Greeting Card 1 Reject (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer being targeted by this greeting card is children.
2. Why is this design less appealing to the consumer than the other design?
This design is less appealing to the consumer than the other design because the saying is not interesting for kids and it doesn't connect with the picture that much.
3. How could this design be improved to better appeal to this consumer?
The design can be better improved by making a good saying that is fun and connected to the picture or change the picture.

Blog Entry #2.16-Greeting Card 1 (B,D)

1. Describe the consumer targeted by this greeting card?
The consumer that being is targeted by this greeting card is children.
2. What elements of your card design are meant to appeal to this consumer? Explain
The element that is meant to appeal this consumer is the picture because it's a kid picture that is drawn as if it came from a child. Another thing that would appeal my consumer is the saying because it's like a kid was saying "Happy v" short for Happy victoria day.
3. Compare this final design with the original sketch. What changes were made and why?
The changes made was the text color because I wanted the text color to be seen in the greeting card.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Entry#2.15-Process Journal 4 (E)

What has been completed so far for your greeting cards?

All of my cards have a saying and a picture on the front of the card. The card also have the outside information basically my skecth ressembled my adobe greeting cards.

What work still needs to be completed to finish all of your greeting cards?

The work that still needs to be completed is the outside information such as who is the consumer.

In what ways could your work be improved?

one way my work can be improve is trying to come up with good picture that is related to the saying.

Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in technology. What score would you give yourself?

The score I would give myself is a 5 out of 6 because I do all of my work and I complete some of them in class. I also listen and try to ask question when I don't know what to do.

Blog Entry#2.14-Progress (D)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blog Entry #2.13-Process Journal 3 (E)

What has been completed so far for your greeting cards?

What has been completed so far is all of my six skecthes, my six saying, and a picture for the front of my greeting cards.

What works still needs to be completed to finish all of your greeting cards?

The work that must be completed to finish all of my greeting card is trying to find good picture that relate to the consumer and good saying that relate to my picture.

In what way can your work be improved?

one way my work can be improved by trying to find good picture and good saying but for now I must work with what I got and try to improve my greeting card with some creativity.

Evaulte your classwork based on Criteria F-Attitudes in Technology (see rubrics). What score would you give yourself? Support your score with specific examples. What can you do to improveyour score?