Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Entry #3.10 - Process Journal 2 (E)

What exact steps have you completed thus far?
The steps that I completed thus far is every thing in the design specification sheet such as pictures that shows attraction/monuments in Indai and the flag/map of India too. I also have the required text in blog entry#3.6 which was the country research. Another step that I completed was the extraction of my president, and the practice image provided in class.

In what ways could your work be improved?
One way my work can be improved is by practicing my extraction because I mess up with outlining or cutting my president. I could also try managing my time as well as getting a better computer so I can finish my work faster.

Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? Support your score with specific examples. What can you do to improve your score?
Based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology, I would give myself a 5 out of 6 because I work very quietly today and I was not talking unless it was about the project. I also got all of my work done in class but I should work on my extraction. I can improve my score by having my computer set to Adobe and to my blog next week.

Blog Entry #3.9 - Image Extractions (D)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Entry #3.8 - Target Consumer (B)

The tourist that my poster would try to attract are people who love food, and love to see beautiful sites that grabs their attention such as how the attraction/ monuments of India is so beautiful in the dark or the history behind these monuments. My poster would attract tourist that loves to have fun such as going water rafting or air balloon riding. The tourist would be people who loves to see the national bird of India spreads its wing. The poster would have the president and the national flower because my tourist would want to see the first woman that became president and see the beauty of the lotus flower. Basically I'm targeted people who love to explore all of these things and who is open minded to the world.

Blog Entry # 3.7 - Image Research (A)

Pratibha Patil

White water rafting

Flower: Lotus

Peacock - India's National Bird

Blog Entry #3.6 - Country Research (A)

1.Name of Country: India

2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)

3. Basic Facts

a. Capital City: New Delhi

b. Population: 1,198,003,000..

c. Monetary Unit/Currency: Indian Rupee

d. Official Language(s): Hindi

4. Current Leader

Name and Photo:

Pratibha Patil

5. Flag: India

6. Map of country:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog Entry #3.5 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to design and make a poster about India that would attract or grab the attention of my audience or to the people in general so they can go visit this country. The goal of this project is to grab my audience attention so they could go visit India. This poster should be able to have information as well as beautiful site about India. My target market 's demographics are teens, taste, views and lifestyle. What I considered to be an important element for a successful project is the amount of information you can write about the country as well as all of the design brief requirement and adding more information that makes this country exciting and special. The things not to do in this poster is incorrect spelling and grammar errors as well as information that do not interest the audience. The styles I would like to see in my design is picture, information and background color that could grab the audience attention for about 5 minutes so they can read and visit India.

Blog Entry #3.4 - Process Journal 1 (C)

The steps I need to complete for this poster project is

  1. Try to research India 10 minutes
  2. Find the capital and the person who is the leader of the country 3 minutes
  3. Official language and currency 3 minutes
  4. Find about 9 picture in total which would take about 10 minutes
  5. Add more facts about more site, a place to stay in, and more attraction as well as information about the country 10 minutes

Blog Entry #3.3 - Poster Research (A)

This poster stood up the most to me than the other posters because I love animals and the sites as well as the color capture my attention. The type of tourist being targeted by this poster are people who love the beach and the animals that live under the sea. This poster show the kind of ocean and the amount of fun you can have in the Australia beach. The information that this poster give about Australia beach is it sea animals and the boat rides you can get so you can see Australia beach in a totally different way.

Blog Entry #3.2 - Dream Destination (A)

The country I would like to visit is Paris because the site and the place itself just grab my attention. I also love their language and it always been a dream of mine to go visit this country. Ever since I heard about Paris there was something about this country that made it different from the rest such as its beauty and attraction that make it elegant and fun to visit. another reason why I want to visit Paris because I want to see its art. When I'm in Paris I'm going to visit the Louvre so I can see its art, sculpture especially the Mona Lisa. I heard that her eyes follow you and I want to see if that is true and I want to go visit the Eiffel tower so I can go up their one night so I can see a better view of Paris.

Blog Entry #3.1 - Design Task (A)

The design task that we have to do for this poster project is to to make a poster about the country that would attract the people so they could go visit this country. The country I have been assigned is India and I'm going to put picture of India sites that would attract the people so they could go visit this country. I also have to add information about India that would convince the people to go visit this country and to see its beautiful site.