Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Entry #3.10 - Process Journal 2 (E)

What exact steps have you completed thus far?
The steps that I completed thus far is every thing in the design specification sheet such as pictures that shows attraction/monuments in Indai and the flag/map of India too. I also have the required text in blog entry#3.6 which was the country research. Another step that I completed was the extraction of my president, and the practice image provided in class.

In what ways could your work be improved?
One way my work can be improved is by practicing my extraction because I mess up with outlining or cutting my president. I could also try managing my time as well as getting a better computer so I can finish my work faster.

Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? Support your score with specific examples. What can you do to improve your score?
Based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology, I would give myself a 5 out of 6 because I work very quietly today and I was not talking unless it was about the project. I also got all of my work done in class but I should work on my extraction. I can improve my score by having my computer set to Adobe and to my blog next week.

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