Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog Entry #3.5 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to design and make a poster about India that would attract or grab the attention of my audience or to the people in general so they can go visit this country. The goal of this project is to grab my audience attention so they could go visit India. This poster should be able to have information as well as beautiful site about India. My target market 's demographics are teens, taste, views and lifestyle. What I considered to be an important element for a successful project is the amount of information you can write about the country as well as all of the design brief requirement and adding more information that makes this country exciting and special. The things not to do in this poster is incorrect spelling and grammar errors as well as information that do not interest the audience. The styles I would like to see in my design is picture, information and background color that could grab the audience attention for about 5 minutes so they can read and visit India.

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