Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.12 - Process (E)

What exact items have been added to your cereal box front?
The exact items added in my cereal box front is the picture of my person, Auguste Renoir, and the picture of my cereal which is corn flakes. I also have the background color which is blue.
What exact items still need to be added to your cereal box front next week?
The exact items that still needs to be added in my cereal box front next week is the title of the cereal and slogan. It is also missing the company name.

Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your score?
I would give myself a 5 out of 6 because I extracted my noble person, Auguste Renoir, and my cereal. I posted what I done in my front box to blog entry 4.11 progress (D) which was a background color and my two extracted pictures. I can improve my score by getting a new computer because the computer freezes and I need to use my time wisely so I can make my cereal box cover beautiful and add in the title, slogan and company name to the front box next week.

Blog Entry # 4.11 - Progress (D)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.10 - Slogan (B)

  1. Beauty is in painting when we are with Renoir
  2. leading painter that can not be ignore
  3. Join the impressionism movement with Renoir
  4. imagine and create beauty in the impressionism movement
  5. Renoir lead his painting with the treat of frosted flakes
Which of the slogans is the best and why?
The best slogan is number 5 "Renoir lead his painting with the treat of frosted flakes" because it has my notable person name which is Renoir and what he love to do which is painting. It also have the cereal name that can make a great cereal because it describe who Renoir was.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.9 - Cereal Names (B)

  1. Renoir Puffs Painter
  2. Impressionist Frosted Painter
  3. Art Krispies
  4. Auguste Pops
  5. Painting Cheer Renoir style
Which of the cereal names is the best and why?
The best cereal name is number two which reads "Impressionist frosted painter" because it includes what Auguste love to do which is paint and he was the leading painter for the impressionist movement they had in French. This cereal name is sort of funny and catchy to remember.

Blog Entry # 4.8 - Target Consumer (B)

The consumer my cereal box will attract are children because I want them to learn about Auguste Renoir and his achievements. I will include a crossword puzzle where they will learn who Auguste Renoir was and what he did in his life. I would also have a funny or creative cereal box title that kids would like to buy. The last thing I would add on my box in order to grab my audience attention which are children is by adding colors and a picture of a good cereal that have Auguste Renoir right next to the cereal.

Blog Entry # 4.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry # 4.6 - Person Research (A)

1. Name of Notable Person: Auguste Pierre Renoir

2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth and Death

Born on February 25, 1841 and died on December 3, 1919

b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):

His place of birth was in Limoges, France and he died in Cagnes- sur-Mer, France

c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children)

In 1890, Renoir married Aline Victorine Charigot and he had a child from her named Pierre. Auguste have six siblings and his parents name is LĂ©onard Renoir and Marguerite Merlet
d. Education
He study painting by entering the studio of Charles Gleyre. Auguste visited the louvre to study the early french painters such as the eighteenth century—Antoine Watteau, Francois Boucher, and Jean HonorĂ© Fragonard.

e. Occupation

He became an apprentice in a porcelain factory and work with his older brother.

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)

“The pain passes, but the beauty remains.”

“Shall I tell you what I think are the two qualities of a work of art? First, it must be the indescribable, and second, it must be inimitable.”

“The work of art must seize upon you, wrap you up in itself and carry you away. It is the means by which the artist conveys his passion."

5. Significant contribution(s) to World History

He was the leading painter in the development of the impressionist movement and his artwork was known to the whole world. Augste was known for his style of painting and he painted a lot of women.

6. Ten terms related to the person

Procliean factory

leading painter


Charles Gleyre




Impressionist movement


Aline Victorine Charigot

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life
1841- He was born in limoges and work in the procliean factory
1862- At the age of 21 he study painting with Charles Gleyre
1864- At the age of 23, Paris salon exhibit Renoir work but Renoir suffer a lot of hard times in this year
1871- At the age of 30, members of the Paris Commune almost murder Renoir when he was painting because they thought he was a spy
1874- At the age of 33, end his friendship with Jules Le Couer and started a new painting subject. Six painting of Renoir's are exhibited at the first Impressionist.
1881- At the age of 40, he travel to Spain, Algeria and Italy.
1883- At the age of 42, he spend his summer in Guernsey and finish fifteen paintings.
1885- At the age of 44, Renoir married Aline Victorine Charigot and had a son named Pierre.
1887- At the age of 46, Renoir donated several paintings to Queen Victoria as a token of his loyalty
1919- Renoir died on December 3rd in Cagnes. Before he died he visited the Louvre to see his paintings.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.5 - Design Brief (A)

I am going to design and a make a cereal box about Auguste Renoir. The goal of this project is to target my consumer so they can learn everything about Auguste Renoir through each side of the cereal box. The people I'm targeting is the children because I would add cartoon and painting that describe Auguste Renoir and would capture the kids attention. I consider creativity to be an important element for this project because I want to grab the kids attention by showing the front cover in which would have a creative title that would make them laugh and a cereal in which they like as well as a puzzle game. The things that I don't want to do in my project is a boring cereal box with no games and a color that no one likes, like black or brown.

Blog Entry # 4.4 - Plan (C)

Steps for completed the cereal box project
  1. The front of the cereal box (60 total minute) name, slogan, company name, and extracted photo
  2. The back of the cereal box (60 total minute) information about the person and making a puzzle
  3. Internet research ( 1 hour)
  4. One side panel 1 ( 40 minute) quote of Auguste Renoir and the picture of his flag country
  5. One side panel 2 ( 45 minute) about 10 important facts of Auguste Renoir life written as a time line
  6. Bottom panel bibliography would take about ( 29 minute)

Blog Entry # 4.3 - Adult Cereal Box (A)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted adults with this cereal box.

Answer: The designer has targeted adults by giving nutrients facts such as fruit and yogurt. Special K also help you maintain a healthy diet and make you stay in shape. In the outside of the box, Special K show two kinds of fruits.

2. What gender of adult is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?

Answer: Women's are the gender that is begin targeted by Special K because woman love to be in shape ans they keep their body healthy. The color of the Special K cereal box is purple in which is a girl color and it represent strength and royalty.

3. What is the advertising slogan?

Answer: The advertising slogan for Special K is "Healthy"

Blog Entry # 4.2 - Children's Cereal Box (A)

1. Describe all of the ways the designer has targeted children with this cereal box.

Answer: The designer has targeted the children by adding a cartoon character which is a tiger and colors around the box. It also have 2 bags of cereal and a small clip of how the cereal looks like.

2. What gender of children is targeted? What elements led you to this conclusion?

Answer: The gender of children that the cereal box is targeting is boys because it has a strip tiger that is fit and tigers are very aggressive animal. The color and strip are one of the elements that made me believe that boys are the target consumer.

3. What is the advertising slogan?
Answer: The advertising slogan for frosted flakes that Tony the tiger always say is "They're

Blog Entry # 4.1 - Design Task (A)

I am creating a cereal box about Auguste Renoir who was a painter in the development of the impressionist style. I have to add more details and facts about Auguste Renoir. Basically I have to make a creative cereal box that persuade my audience which are children to buy Auguste Renoir cereal and learn everything about him.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog Entry # 3.16 - Human Ingenuity Evaluation (E)

The type of tourist that would not like my poster are people who don't like to visit the attraction I listed in my poster or tourist that don't like India at all. The tourist could also not like the extraction I made because it does not attract their attention. The whole point of the project is to make people visit our country but there would be tourist that don't like to see India national flower because they want to see things that they can do when they stay in India.

Blog Entry # 3.15 - Create Evaluation (E)

On a scale of 1(lowest) to 6(highest), rate your Adobe skills.
I give myself a rating of 5 out 6

Why did you give yourself this rating?
I give myself this rating because my Adobe skills are okay but not excellent because I need to extract my picture well. However, my India poster had rotated picture and text as well as the captial city, currency, offical language and leader. I also had a front that everyone can read and colored my text.

How could you use the Adobe Illustrator in your other classes?
I could the Adobe illustrator for my social studies such as when I'm doing a DBQ project or in Art class when I start doing collages of drawings. I could also use Adobe for Technology and English when I'm doing a project for the color purple such as a character poster.

Blog Entry # 3.14 - Design Evaluation (E)

How could you improve your poster design?
I could improve my poster design by adding more text that can grab the people attention. I should also improve my extraction because I didn't extract my president, the gate way of India and the India hotel. Everything I extracted wasn't well done because it came out messy. I could also improve my background color because it show a lot of green and no other color.

Blog Entry # 3.13 - Completed Poster (D)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.12-Process Journal 3 (E)

What exact items have been added to your poster?

The exact items that have been added to my poster if the fact about captial city, country name, current leader, currency and official language. My poster also have the pictuer of India current leader, India money, map and flag.

What exact items still need to be added to your poster next week?

The exact items that still need to be added to my poster next week is 6 more picture in the design specification sheet which is the attraction/ monument, national flower, national bird, hotel and things that you can do while staying in India such as water rafting or visiting historic places.

Evaluate your classwork beased on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your score?

I would give myself a 5 out of 6 because I was working on my poster instead of talking to people that would waste my time. I also got some of my work down but I could have done better if I extracted correctly by saving it to the right file. I also display a good amount of work and I consistently work on my project without stopping.

Blog Entry #3.11 - Progress (D)