Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog Entry # 4.12 - Process (E)

What exact items have been added to your cereal box front?
The exact items added in my cereal box front is the picture of my person, Auguste Renoir, and the picture of my cereal which is corn flakes. I also have the background color which is blue.
What exact items still need to be added to your cereal box front next week?
The exact items that still needs to be added in my cereal box front next week is the title of the cereal and slogan. It is also missing the company name.

Evaluate your classwork based on Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology. What score would you give yourself? What can you do to improve your score?
I would give myself a 5 out of 6 because I extracted my noble person, Auguste Renoir, and my cereal. I posted what I done in my front box to blog entry 4.11 progress (D) which was a background color and my two extracted pictures. I can improve my score by getting a new computer because the computer freezes and I need to use my time wisely so I can make my cereal box cover beautiful and add in the title, slogan and company name to the front box next week.

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