Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog Entry # 3.15 - Create Evaluation (E)

On a scale of 1(lowest) to 6(highest), rate your Adobe skills.
I give myself a rating of 5 out 6

Why did you give yourself this rating?
I give myself this rating because my Adobe skills are okay but not excellent because I need to extract my picture well. However, my India poster had rotated picture and text as well as the captial city, currency, offical language and leader. I also had a front that everyone can read and colored my text.

How could you use the Adobe Illustrator in your other classes?
I could the Adobe illustrator for my social studies such as when I'm doing a DBQ project or in Art class when I start doing collages of drawings. I could also use Adobe for Technology and English when I'm doing a project for the color purple such as a character poster.

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